Monday, June 4, 2007

Guy#49: Mr. “Always quitting or getting fired”

If you opened the dictionary and looked up the word “irresponsible”, you will see this guy’s picture! Most of the time he’s “between” jobs and when he’s not he’s about to get fired or end up quitting the job he has. There are many reasons why he keeps getting fired or quitting his job. For one thing, he’s uneducated and unskilled. That means he has limited opportunities to really make some money and get ahead in life. The job he holds are low-paying, lacks benefits, has few advancement opportunities and puts him in bad working conditions. He gets the kind of jobs that are so demeaning that he should quit or be glad to get fired....

Even though this is his sad reality, this kind of guy still has no motivation. Instead of getting more education and training, he continues to go from job to job with no purpose in his life. While others he grew up with are doing bigger and better things in their lives, this dude goes from one dead-end job to another. If you were to take a look at this guy’s resume you would either laugh or cry at how pathetic it is! He’s the kind of guy that for example, would have held 10 jobs in 5 years! Now that might be cool if these were professional, high-paying positions; in other words if he was climbing the corporate ladder. The reason why he has had so many jobs is not because of “opportunities” but because of his “failures”.

He gets fired or quits because maybe he has a temper. Maybe he has no discipline. Maybe he has a lack of respect for authority. Maybe he’s a big complainer and always makes excuses. Maybe he has a poor work ethic and is just plain ol’ lazy. It’s likely that the causes for him being fired or quitting is all of the above. This guy is simply not focused and serious about life. He has no idea what he wants to do with his life!

Now this doesn’t mean that he’s not ambitious. He may talk a hole in your head about all of the things that he wants to do, plan to do and will do to achieve success in life. One of the reasons why he quits a job or doesn’t seem to care about getting fired from one is because he firmly believes that there’s a much better job opportunity around the corner! Homie may actually believe that he’s going to be a doctor, lawyer or businessman even though there’s nothing in his background from education, skill to common sense that would indicate that he’s going to do anything but be a complete loser! He’s caught up with false ambition and the bottom line is that he’s a big talker but a small do-er.

This guy is obviously unstable and if you’re in a relationship with him you’ll end up taking care of his ass! So, if you’re involved with Mr. “Always quitting or getting fired” and you think one day you might actually marry this guy....

Girl, don’t do it!!


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