Monday, June 4, 2007

Guy#44: Mr. “Black Panther”

Oh, this guy here is quite a character! He’s likely to be aggressive though some guys that fall into this category are quiet as a mouse in public but loud as a lion in private. He’s an angry and bitter person with nothing but hatred in his heart for white people or other ethnic groups who he believes are anti-black. He’s definitely pro-black, but his love for his blackness goes far beyond pride. If blacks can be racist (I’m still not sure about that “blacks can’t be racists thing”) then he’ll definitely be the poster child!

This kind of guy will tie every single issue in life to race. If he fails at anything in life it’s the “white man’s” fault. If he cheats on you, it’s the white man’s fault. If he cusses your ass out, it’s the white man’s fault. If he can’t hold a job and is broke as a joke, guess what...

It’s the white man’s fault!!!!

This militant brotha is obsessed with white people. He has nothing but hostility and animosity toward them. There are plenty of older brothas who fit the profile of this type of guy. But there are also many young guys that may have never personally hbeen direct victims of racism, yet they still have nothing but total hostility toward whites. Their hostility is often “passed down” to them from their family members just like racist attitudes and hatred toward blacks is passed down to white males (and females) from their family.

Homie spends much of his time reading “black power”; white man conspiracy themed books and debating with others about black power and white oppression. The people he associates with share his views; intimidating figures who scare the shit of you! In addition to be indoctrinated with a black militant mentality from family, it’s also likely that he developed much of his hatred toward whites out in the streets and in prison. He might justify his beliefs by history (and the present) and spew his prejudiced rhetoric under the cloak of religion or a cult.

He participates or even organizes pro-black “events” and protests. He may be involved in programs that benefit the inner city. He’s a community activist or at least he sees himself as one. That’s a good thing. We should applaud people who do positive things in the community. This guy has good intentions but...the road to hell is paved with good intentions!

The reality is that he might be all talk and no action. He might talk tough but is really a punk. But make no mistake about it, plenty guys who fit this profile are tough. They’re intimidating and confrontational. They’re discipline brothas that live strict and structured lifestyles, not smoking and drinking, etc. (though some may be total frauds) and if you’re involved with this kind of guy I can almost guarantee that he will try to hold you to his ridiculous standards of what he feels a woman should be.

You may feel that this guy is downright embarrassing. As I said before, guys who fit this profile are often intimidating and confrontational and let’s say that it can be a bit “challenging” to be with them in public or at social gatherings among colleagues, family or friends. He’s liable to get into an altercation with a white person, maybe a black person or frankly anybody over just about anything! He’s always defensive and always on edge and being with this guy will end up being way too stressful!

A guy like this might be well-read and well-spoken but often uneducated and unskilled who spend much more time working in “the movement” than he does actually holding down a real job! So, if you’re involved with Mr. “Black Panther” and you think one day you might actually marry this guy....

Girl, don’t do it!!

This fool will have your ass in trouble with the feds!


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