Monday, June 4, 2007

Guy#7: Mr. “Too embarrassing”

There are various reasons why this guy may be too embarrassing to be out in public with:

He’s ugly
He’s too short
He’s too tall
He talks funny
He can’t dress worth a damn
He’s too passive
He’s too confrontational
He’s too loud

I’m sure you could add more possible reasons why being out in public with this guy is a complete disaster. Being embarrassed in front of friends, family, co-workers, neighbors or complete strangers is not a good feeling. But if you’re involved with this guy it’s going to happen over and over again. You may try to change him or make it so that the things about him that embarrass you will at least be something you can deal with. But girl, it doesn’t matter what you do, you’re not the problem; he is.

To be fair, a guy like this might have good intentions. You and him may truly love each other. But in the long run homeboy’s more of a liability than an asset. Because regardless of how well you carry yourself, this guy is a joke and therefore you too become a joke. Once you sleep with him, move into his place and start cooking his meals, it ain’t so easy to distance yourself from him when he’s trying to hold your hand or slob you down in public!

The only thing that might save you from constantly being embarrassed by this guy is if he’s a home-body type or if you just keep your ass at home all of the time while he goes out and makes a fool of himself! But when he does you can bet that someone you know is going to see him and either call you or pay you a personal visit to give you all of the details.

Bottom line: This is the kind of guy that will make your social life miserable, and even after you leave him for the rest of your life you’ll regret the fact that you were ever linked to this guy and while you try to carry on as if he never existed, you won’t be able to because your family and friends will never let you forget about him!

So, if you’re involved with Mr. “Too embarrassing” and you think one day you might actually marry this guy....

Girl, don’t do it!!


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