Monday, June 4, 2007

Guy#39: Mr. “Full-time student”

So you’re dating a nerd, huh?

Well, there’s nothing wrong with that, right? Any woman would be proud to be with an intelligent, highly educated guy, right? Yeah, I guess so, but this guy takes higher education to another level! He’s been in school for years and years with no known graduation date! And if he does graduate, he goes back to get more education. He may repeat this cycle over and over again. He loves school; the homework, the term papers, the lectures, the social events; the overall atmosphere on a college campus.

Younger guys will often fall in this category because they’re going to school full-time and not working. But there are guys well into their 20’s, 30’s and even their 40’s who are in school “full-time” and working no where! That’s right, they’re spending soooo much time studying and going to frat parties that there’s just no time to actually make money! Now I don’t know about you but I thought the whole purpose of getting an education was to have a career and succeed in society. This guy is getting one hell of an education, no doubt about that, but he has yet to have a career and he’s far from successful!

This dude is still “trying to find himself”. He lacks any real direction in his life. He’s completely indecisive about what he wants to do with his life. He’s a studious guy, obsessed with education and the truth is he’s intimidated by adulthood, scared to face the real world. He will never admit this and will convince you and others that he’s on the “fast track”, that all of the education he is obtaining is all apart of his “master plan”. Yeah; ok, whatever...

This guy believes that he’s “too smart” and “too talented” to hold down a job while he pursues his studies. He won’t even entertain the thought of getting a part-time or temp job. If he does an internship it’s likely to be one that is a great “opportunity” but doesn’t pay!

This kind of guy is basically a smart but irresponsible person, unwilling to make sacrifices and clueless about what he wants do with his life. He might be the boring home-body type that is always studying or debating or he could be a party animal. He’s tends to be more career-minded than family oriented and could have possibly grown up privileged. It’s likely that he has absolutely nothing to show for all of the education he has received and is continuing to receive except for meaningless degrees, a high grade point average and enormous debt due to school loans!

So, if you’re involved with Mr. “Full-time student” and you think one day you might actually marry this guy....

Girl, don’t do it!!


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