Monday, June 4, 2007

Guy#18: Mr. “Playa, Playa”

Now I know that just about every sista (including my white, Latino, Asian, Native American sistas, etc.) reading this has known this kind of guy before. And if you think you’ve never come across this kind of guy than you're just in denial! Just about every guy on this list has at least little (or thinks he does) of Mr. “Playa, Playa” in him.

First of all, this guy is arrogant even if he has no reason to be. He carries on thinking that he’s God’s gift to women! He’s sexist and view women as sex-objects. His “mission” in life is to get into the pants of as many women as possible! Oh, he doesn’t discriminate! He sleeps with women of all races, shapes and sizes. He’s a master manipulator taking advantage of venerable women with low self-esteem. He’s a predator that preys on women that are lonely, insecure, etc.

Obviously, you can expect this guy to be unfaithful. He’s addicted to cheating; he just can’t get it out of his system! Even if deep down he has some feelings for you, he will fight it because he believes that men that have “feelings” for women are weak; suckers for love! Homie is emotionless, he goes with what feels good oppose to what feels right. He doesn’t trip off of getting caught because he will lie (he’s a pathological liar) and refuse to take responsibility for his actions. He doesn’t care if hurts the women he gets involved with because he has no conscious.

The guy is a liar and a phony and has no character. If you marry this guy he’ll make a fool out of you and if you have kids with him, he’ll be a poor role model (especially for boys).

I can’t blame you for being involved with this playboy. He’s charming. He has plenty of game. He has a great sense of humor. Playas are a lot of fun to be around. Many are handsome but this guy can come in many forms. He can be ugly as hell and yet there’s something about him that appeals to women. Maybe he has a reputation for being good in bed. When word gets around about his sexual prowess he’ll have good sex-starved women lined-up around the block!

This is one of only a few guys on this list that might actually be successful! Yeah, girl, he might be paid! And if he is, that fact alone would explain why he is such a womanizer. But many guys that fit this profile are losers with not much to show for in their lives other than the “notches on their belts”; all of the women they’ve slept with and left hanging.

What a great guy, huh?

So, if you’re involved with Mr. “Playa, Playa” and you think one day you might actually marry this guy....

Girl, don’t do it!!


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